Bry Reyes trained with Teachers Joy and Ricardo of Bright Yoga International on
April 2016 for 50 hours Rocket Yoga YTT, July 2016 for 200 hours Ashtanga YTT,
and August 2016 for another 100 hours Rocket YTT. She found so much learning
and insight that helped her improve her practice and her teaching skills. Because of
this, she delighted at the chance to assist teachers Joy and Ricardo in July to August
2017 for their Ashtanga and Rocket YTT in Bali, and again in February 2020 for the
100-hr Rocket YTT in Manila, Philippines.
Being a teacher of Rocket, Ashtanga, Hot, Vinyasa, and Yin Yoga classes, it is hard
to believe that Bry used to have a sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle. But yoga
changed her life by making her feel more connected and loving towards her body,
mind, and spirit. This change made her decide to become a teacher to inspire others
to discover yoga too.
Bry’s students describe her classes as playful, light-hearted, and challenging. She
aims to inspire her students to find their best selves and see that the strength,
power, and peace they are looking for already exists within.