Marichyasana D. How To access?

Marichyasana D is what is called core pose or gate pose in the primary series of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. Gate poses are asanas that have some specific requirements, that are need it to ensure a safe progress in what’s coming next in the sequence.
According to the shape of the pose, we can recognize that this Asana requieres mobility on the hips, specially external rotation of the lotus leg. Mobility of the shoulders. Internal rotation of the front shoulder (wrapping arm) and external rotation of the back shoulder

However an overall mobility in the thoracic spine is need it. If the thoracic spine is stiff, the mobility of the shoulders will be restricted therefore twist poses (seated and standing) will be challenging 

Beyond this if we look in the anatomy of the muscles layers in the back body, then we can have a clearer understanding in how to use the shoulder and head to amplified the possibilities as you twist 

We would like to talk about a superficial muscle called trapezius muscle. This muscle extend down from the occipital bone to the lower thoracic vertebrae and laterally to the spine of the scapula (see the picture below) 


Knowing this we would like to offer you a few tips that can help you to access to this pose 

First Tip
Many times the head tend to move forward and drops as the practitioner start to access Marichyasana D, this action will over stretch the upper trapezius limiting the mobility of the shoulder and restriction the mobility of the thoracic spine. As you twist keep the head on top of the shoulder 

Second Tip
When the gaze move back before work in the mobility of the shoulder the upper trapezius will over tense blocking the mobility of the shoulders 

Most of the students can increases their mobility in the upper spine by keeping the gaze forward or to the side as they work in the bind, when the bind is settled, turn te gaze back over the shoulder 
Working in this way will allow you to access to greater mobility in the shoulders facilitating the rotation of the spine

Let us know how these tips and recommendation work 

If you know a friend that will get benefit from this information please share it 

Enjoy your practice 

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